
Who are these kids? 

It feels like overnight we went from having babies to having half-sized little humans. They have their own personalities, their own opinions and Sis is starting to develop her own style when it comes to getting dressed for school. 

Now, instead of packing up a diaper bag to leave the house, I throw a few snacks in my purse on the way out the door and off we go. 

There are school programs, basketball games, and play dates. If we are lucky we might get some morning snuggles or bedtime kisses. But gone are the all-nighters with a baby who doesn't want to sleep. No more figuring out naptimes, nursing schedules or making sure you have enough pacifiers in case you lose one or two.

There is a unique sense of grief that comes with the realization that your babies are growing up. And I'm not sure that I am ready for it.


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