Making Time and Letting Go

This morning I woke up with the intention of going for a walk.  As the morning went on, though, I decided there wasn't going to be time. I had to pick up my daughter from her grandparent's, the house needed cleaned, laundry washed, and then there's the constant cycle of feeding>changing>napping that comes with an infant.

As a stay-at-home/full-time working mom, there seems to be a never-ending list of things to do, people to take care of, and appointments to be at. I think a lot of moms would agree that any time you deviat from taking care of everyone else, that it is easy for that mom guilt to creep in.  But how are you supposed to take care of your family if you can't take care of yourself?

On my way to pick up my daughter I drove past the lake, along the route I had planned to walk. There was no missing the beautiful canvas of reds, oranges and yellows above the road and spilling onto the ground. I noticed all of the people out enjoying the beautiful day and just wanted to be out there too. All morning I'd been thinking about how there was so much to do in so little time.  But in that moment, I decided I was going to make the time.  I love going out and walking the lake - especially in the crisp fall air. So  instead of worrying about all the things that needed done at home, I went and got my daughter and off to the park we went for our walk. And man was it worth it!

Sharing that hour of fresh air with my babies, while getting some exercise and enjoying the fall colors before they are gone was just what this mama's soul needed. 

The dishes will always be there, the laundry never ends. Sometimes we just need to let go of everything that "needs" to be done and instead just focus on making time for the things we need to be well.


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